HOT WATER SYSTEMS Since the isolation of an ubiquitous aquatic organism, Legionella Pneumophila, the annual number of reported cases of legionellosis in the U.S. have been increasing. Studies conducted at the Universities have shown that the use of ionized copper and silver is very effective at killing numerous species of harmful bacteria, especially legionella. The Superior Aqua System process of ionization is a viable alternative for disinfecting portable hot water systems. Advantages include low cost, low maintenance and provides a disinfecting residual. Legionella Pneumophilia in hot water hospital distribution systems has been connected with hospital acquired Legionnaire's disease in many areas of the U.S. where super heat and flush and hyper chlorination have failed. Superior Aqua System can reduce the threat of nosocomial outbreaks of this disease in the hospital setting. Controlled evaluations of the Superior Aqua System have proven the efficacy of this unique process. |
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